Great Grains Cooking Class
This is a hands on, gluten free since real food, cooking class on grains.
Held at Southern Maine Community College, Portland Me, on Saturday 28 October, from 9-3pm. There does not seem to be a form to complete only :
SMCC brochure on fb shows class fee of $155 and registration email.

quinoa with vegetables, cashews and feta.
"Join Chef Oonagh Williams for a Great Grains (quinoa, millet, sorghum etc), hands on cooking class at Southern Maine Community College, Portland Maine on Saturday 28 October from 9-3 pm.
Most real food using these grains is naturally gluten free and free of many allergens.
Discussions of benefits of these grains, how to cook so the family will eat and full recipes by weight and volume.
Make and eat dishes for breakfast, lunch, dinner plus baked, eg apple cake, quinoa Spanish rice, beef and sorghum soup, millet and vegetable pancakes, almond and grains crackers and more.
Many recipes suitable for vegetarians. Sign up with a friend as you will work in pairs.
Note that the Culinary Arts kitchen is not a dedicated gluten free kitchen but Celiac Chef Oonagh is providing the real ingredients and obviously does not want to harm herself.

Beef and sorghum soup, that I titled 'I can't believe it's not beef and barley'.

My regular gluten free flour blend contains sorghum and millet flours and no rice flour. I also make a quinoa flake apple cake instead of with oats - I'm one of those that is meant to avoid even gluten free oats.