Taste of Lithuania, talk, photos and buffet
Approximately one and a half hours talk including history, culture, food.
Many vibrant photos
I gave Lithuanian cooking demos for many years at Chandler Library, Nashua, NH and attended summer school at University of Vilnius in Lithuania,
Both sponsored by Žylonis Foundation/Charles Žylonis Trust.
50 people were registered for latest presentation with 25 on waiting list. 65 attended
Display of souvenirs, books, photo albums from Lithuania
Lithuanian generous tasting buffet . Chef Oonagh has celiac disease so the buffet is safe for people on a gluten free diet and delicious.

Garlicky Farmer's cheese
Lithuanian Buffet Menu:
Garlicky Farmer's cheese
Andrulis cheese
Cold Summertime Soup
Apricot cake/tart

“I thoroughly enjoyed the Armchair Travel Series event on January 30, 2018 at the Merrimack Public Library where you showed us Lithuania. Your slides were great, letting us see the people and the landscape. Your food, as always was very enticing. Lithuania is a part of the world I knew very little about, but feel now that I have more knowledge of it and will do more research on my own. Your exuberance and humor always adds to any presentation you give and this was no exception.”
Janet A – retired library director
More information
and contact chef Oonagh to have similar talks.
Link to flyers on South Africa, Lithuania, menus and unsolicited participant praise.